This bag is a smaller range bag that is compact while being able to hold a lot of gear. The range bag will easily carry a couple pistols, holster, several magazines & pouches, ammo, eye & hearing protection, and other essential range gear. This bag has a large top opening zippered lid for easy access to your gear with heavy duty zippers. It also comes with metal zippers with metal loops for attaching a small pad lock (not included) to secure your gear and for those jurisdictions that require a locked container for your firearm when being transported to a range.
NcStar CVSRB2985T VISM Range Bag with Small Size, Side Pockets, PALs Webbing, Carry Handles, Pockets & Tan Finish
NcStar CVSRB2985T VISM Range Bag with Small Size, Side Pockets, PALs Webbing, Carry Handles, Pockets & Tan Finish
13 in stock
UPC | 848754006684 |
Manufacturer | NCStar |
Manufacturer Part Number | CVSRB2985T |
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